
Research Institute on Turkey
University of the Commons
New York

Feza Kürkçüoğlu

Photopraph and Video
Çağrı İşbilir

Project Concept
Eylem Delikanlı

Project Coordinator
Aylin Tekiner

Aylin Tekiner, Eylem Delikanlı

Aylin Tekiner

Contentus Çeviri

Translation Proofreading
Eylem Delikanlı, Ela Hochstrasser

Fact Check
Bülent Aydın, Ümit Kıvanç

Print Design
Vardal Caniş

Web Design & Development

Archival Photos and Visuals
We used the visual materials in this report with the knowledge and permission of Coşkun Aral, Ali Öz, Feza Kürkçüoğlu, Mehmet Kaçmaz (NarPhotos), Çiğdem Üçüncü (NarPhotos), Çağrı İşbilir,
and SALT Research.

The owner of the archive (who granted the permission) is responsible for obtaining the permissions and making the necessary references to the materials in the archives for which the usage permission is obtained. RIT holds no responsibility in this regard. RIT accepts that these permissions have been obtained and therefore uses these archives accordingly. It is the responsibility of the archive owner to obtain necessary approvals and permissions regarding these materials in accordance with the Law on the Protection of Personal Data.

This preliminary report was supported by the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung Turkey Office. The views expressed in this preliminary report do not represent the views of the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung Turkey Office.

Report Writing

Feza Kürkçüoğlu, is a researcher and an author. He held exhibitions and wrote books on the histories of Istanbul and institutions, contributed to the arrangement of the archives of several institutions. Feza has taken an active part in leftist parties and non-governmental organizations for more than 40 years. He has been writing articles on the left and recent history in various journals, newspapers, and websites for 30 years.

Photography and Video

Çağrı İşbilir, graduated from Beykent University’s Faculty of Fine Arts, Department of Cinema and TV in 2015 and from Marmara University’s Faculty of Fine Arts, Department of Photography in 2021. He continues his education in the same department’s graduate program. He started photography in 2016 and continues to work on documentary photography projects.


We would like to thank Bülent Aydın and Ümit Kıvanç for sharing their memories and knowledge about the sites of memory listed in this report. We are grateful to Ali Öz and SALT Research for their support and sharing their photo archives with us. We could not have completed the project without the help and support of the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung Turkey Office and our program manager, Mert Onur. It was truly a pleasure working together. We humbly dedicate our work to those who are not mentioned here but inspired this project and who were the target of the coup in their struggle against fascism.
RIT Team and Feza Kürkçüoğlu